Dementia is a complex and often misunderstood condition, affecting millions worldwide. Julie Holder, a dementia nurse with over two decades of experience, offers a unique perspective on the early signs, diagnosis, and management of dementia. In this article originally published on The Telegraph, she sheds light on the condition and highlight the importance of personalized care and early intervention.

Recognizing early signs of dementia

The early symptoms of dementia can be easily overlooked or misunderstood. According to Holder, subtle changes in daily routines can be telltale signs. For instance, a person who always dresses meticulously may suddenly struggle with basic tasks like putting on a tie. These behaviors are often dismissed as normal aging, but they can indicate underlying cognitive issues. Holder emphasizes the importance of a thorough patient history to identify early signs.

Dementia Nurse, Julie Holder
Nurse Julie Holder

“I sometimes feel like a detective,” Holder says.

Her role involves piecing together observations from various sources, including family members and healthcare professionals. This comprehensive approach helps differentiate between dementia and other conditions that might mimic its symptoms, such as depression or even constipation, which can surprisingly present similar effects.

Diagnostic tools

Accurate diagnosis of dementia involves a combination of observational assessments and diagnostic tests. Holder frequently uses tools like the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE) and its shorter counterpart, the M-ACE. These tests evaluate different cognitive functions, including memory recall, orientation, and executive functions like planning and organizing.

For example, a common test involves asking patients to draw a clock—a task that assesses the frontal lobe’s role in organizing and planning. Combined with CT scans and family input, these tests provide a clearer picture of the patient’s condition.

“CT scans can rule out other medical issues that can mimic dementia,” Holder explains. A holistic diagnostic approach ensures that the diagnosis is accurate and that patients receive the appropriate care for their specific condition.

The emotional impact of a dementia diagnosis

Receiving a dementia diagnosis can be daunting, yet many patients experience a sense of relief. Understanding what is happening allows them to take proactive steps towards managing their condition. Holder notes that early diagnosis opens the door to medications and interventions that can mitigate symptoms like irritability and depression, improving the quality of life.

“Once you have the diagnosis, you can do something about it,” Holder states.

Personalized care: Making a difference

Personalized care is crucial in managing dementia effectively. Holder shares real-life examples from her practice, illustrating how tailored interventions can improve patient well-being. One patient, who mistook a radiator for a urinal, benefited from installing a red toilet seat—a color that he could still recognize. This simple change restored his ability to use the washroom independently, greatly enhancing his dignity and comfort.

Another case involved a former laundrette worker who found solace in folding towels, a familiar activity that reduced her distress and provided a sense of purpose. These examples underscore the importance of understanding each patient’s background and adapting care to meet their needs.

Challenging the stigma around dementia

Holder is passionate about breaking down the stigma surrounding dementia. She argues that the media often portrays the condition negatively, contributing to public fear and misunderstanding. In reality, with the right person-centered care and support, individuals with dementia can lead meaningful lives.

“We see the negative aspects on television and in films, which are very frightening,” Holder says. “But with understanding and the right care, a person can have a ‘good dementia.'”

Maintaining brain health

Maintaining brain health is a key aspect of dementia prevention and management. Holder advises on various activities to keep the brain active, such as jigsaws, crosswords, and sudoku. The emphasis is on variety—engaging in different mental challenges throughout life can help keep cognitive functions sharp.

Holder also highlights lifestyle factors that contribute to brain health. Avoiding smoking, excessive drinking, and poor diet are crucial. Promoting both physical and mental health is essential in reducing the likelihood of developing dementia.

The role of research in dementia care

Looking to the future, Holder supports initiatives like Race Against Dementia, which fund research to find a cure for the disease. She believes that collaborative efforts, similar to the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic, are essential for making significant strides in dementia research.

“If everyone could get together, a bit like they managed to with Covid, I am sure we could change things in a big way,” Holder says.

Arctic Therapeutics stands at the forefront of innovation in dementia care. Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, founder and Chief Medical Advisor, echoes Holder’s sentiments about the importance of early intervention and personalized care. Arctic’s work with AT-001, an Alzeheimer’s and dementia treatment that is designed to cross the blood-brain barrier, aims to enhance the quality of life for dementia patients by addressing symptoms early and providing targeted therapeutic options.

“At Arctic Therapeutics, we are leveraging advanced genomic research to develop AT-001, a novel treatment designed to cross the blood-brain barrier effectively. This targeted approach allows us to address the underlying mechanisms of dementia directly, aiming not only to manage symptoms but to alter the disease’s progression. Our commitment is to bring meaningful change to the lives of patients by integrating cutting-edge science with practical therapeutic solutions,” says Dr. Hakonarson.

Dementia treatment needs a compassionate, informed approach

Julie Holder’s journey as a dementia nurse reveals the profound impact that early diagnosis, personalized care, and community support can have on the lives of those affected by dementia. Her stories underscore a vital truth: dementia, while challenging, does not have to strip individuals of their dignity or quality of life.

By embracing a compassionate, informed approach to care, we can not only improve daily living for those with dementia but also pave the way for more significant advancements in understanding and treating this condition. It is through persistent effort, innovative research, and societal empathy that we will ultimately rewrite the narrative of dementia, offering hope and improved quality of life for millions.

You can learn more about on Arctic Therapeutics and our work on AT-001 here.

You can read the original version of this article on The Telegraph.